Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Few St. Paddy's Freebies

Hi Friends!

I posted a fun St. Paddy's Day inferring activity on the eve of St. Patrick's Day and since most of you are probably ahead of the game {unlike me}, I wanted to share it again here so you can save it for next year.

Click the picture to grab it:

At some point I plan on updating this freebie to be more like my other inferring packs and then it will no longer be free, so grab it now.

PS: At some point for me usually means in about 1398 years ;)

I also posted a picture of  the little treat I gave to my kiddos and a few people requested them on Instagram and Facebook, so I'm posting those here too. I also added the tag I attached to bags of Skittles Ella gave her neighborhood friends.

Click the pictures to grab the tags.

Print and go! St. Patrick’s Day printable freebie-a quick gift for the classroom or friends.

I planned on adding Rolos, but when I couldn't find them I decided Reese's did the trick :)

Hope you can add these to your digital filing cabinet for next year!

Enjoy your day :)