First, the quick facts: I love lattes and lemon water, good wine and a really good cheeseburger, I've become addicted to shopping on instagram for me and baby girl, bring me all the flowy t-shirts and cardigans {and never let them go out of style. please. pretty please}, I love decorating my house, especially for the holidays, but coincidentally enough, I don't love taking decorations down. And pastries: yes, yes, and oh yes!I am a stickler for grammar, except commas, because I can't for the life of me use them correctly. {Seriously, how many comma mistakes are in this first paragraph alone? I have no idea}. I stink at finishing laundry, I'm not the least bit athletic, and I hit snooze waaay too many times.
Now that you know a lot of little things about me, here are the BIG things:
I am a mama to the most beautiful, sweet, inquisitive, active, curious, smart, entertaining, hilarious little girl. Ella came into my life and changed it for the better in every way. Ok, almost every way: sometimes, when it's cold and rainy, I want to lay in bed with hot chocolate and watch movies. Except now, I have to sit on the couch and watch Disney Junior and not drink hot chocolate {because, hello, bad habits I can't teach Ella}. It's a pretty fair trade-off though because life is awesome in every other way.
I'm married to a pretty wonderful guy. He's hard-working, supportive, funny, and the best dad. I like him a lot and he likes me a lot. It totally works.
Until about a year ago, our sweet Georgie Girl was our only baby. But now she's just our "first baby". We love her so very much and I can't wait until Ella and her become best friends. {Let's just say Ella is still learning the meaning of "gentle" and "nice hands".}
Until very recently, I taught 2nd grade for many years, and for many years it had my heart. Then some things at my school changed, and my family changed, and my heart wasn't in it the way it should be. I stayed home for Ella's first year of life and I loved it. But after about 10 months or so, a little voice started telling me I was missing the "teacher life". Long story short, I resigned my 2nd grade position, and found a new job teaching language arts to students in grades K-2, part-time. It' still a very new position, but I am already so appreciative of the opportunities it has afforded me: I get to be at home with Ella a majority of the week, but I also get to get my teacher fix :)
When I'm not living it up with my little family or friends, or tearing it up in the classroom, I devote my time to two small businesses:
Teachers Pay Teachers has been such a huge blessing in our lives in so many ways, but the main one being that it has changed the way I teach and has brought so many other wonderful teachers and creators into my life #blessed
Our newest venture is a tiny little Etsy shop selling some adorable infant and toddler apparel. We're just getting off the ground, but it's been so much fun already!
Thanks so much for reading a little bit about me!

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