Oh gosh…it’s been soooo long since I’ve stopped by to offer up anything productive. We’re just so darn busy in the Hird household that I can’t keep up.
Long story short, the Mr. was out of town, we had some birthdays, a few softball games {him, not me}…and…we’re house hunting!!! And it’s taken over my life. I’m checking a gazillion real estate apps a day and trying not to email our realtor every second of every day. So far we haven’t been too successful so I expect the novelty of house hunting to wear off real soon here…it’s already getting on my nerves!
Good thing you guys are one of my number one stress relievers! In all seriousness, sweet comments on the blog and kind, informative feedback in my TpT store really does a gal good. That’s why quite a few of my bloggy buddies and I are linking up to share some of our favorite feedback. It’s basically a shout-out to our favorite shoppers, but it’s also a way for the rest of you to get a good look at how our products work in teachers’ classrooms all around the world!
Before we get started, here are a few things you should know:
1} Click the picture to head to TpT to learn more about the product being described.
2} Starting tomorrow, and continuing through Wednesday, TpT is having a sitewide sale. Many sellers are putting their stores on sale on top of that so you can save up to 28% Tuesday and Wednesday!
3} I think this is the BEST PART. If I featured your feedback you can pick ANY ITEM from my store for FREE! Just take a look-see around and email your choice {acrossthehallin2nd@gmail.com} How fun is that?!?!?!
Ok, here we go…my most loved products…chose by you!
Thank you MollyJack!
My Reading Comprehension Packs are definitely my biggest labor of love to date. I write every single passage myself and it’s not easy but I have buyers asking for the next edition almost immediately after I put one out. Plus, I use these in my classroom ALL THE TIME. I wouldn’t be able to get through a week without them. Clicking the picture will take you to the newest edition {uploaded last night}, but there are links to the other editions in the product description.
PS: Grab a free comprehension sheet by downloading the preview!
No, thank you, lindalouhoo! You always leave such great feedback! I love this unit because it’s designed to let me teach friendly letter writing and types of communities at the same time! And my kiddos have had a blast the last two years I’ve used it!
Okay, hands down, Jenna wins best feedback. She always leaves thoughtful and useful feedback for my products. I know other sellers feels the same way as well! I could’ve picked her for almost every product, but I thought I’d spread the wealth! We’re using these literacy centers in my room right now and my kiddos are just loving them!
Thank you bigt for your kind words!
My store basically started with my Back to School Mega Book Pack and I haven’t looked back. I’m currently working on an End of The Year Book Pack, updating my Back to School Book Pack, and creating a Bully Book Pack. All of my book packs have comprehension sheets and writing prompts, and they all include craftivities as well! Love me some craftivities!
Thank you tlhusted!
My class loved this Holidays Around the World Pack!! It’s filled with mini interactive readers, extension sheets, passports and stamps. We had SO MUCH FUN with it this year!
Remember, to learn more about any of the products I have pictured here just click their picture. If you like them as much as other buyers did, add them to your cart and wait till Tuesday’s sale to save some moola on them!
I also added a Mother’s Day craftivity to my store for those of you who are last minute like I am!

And remember, the TpT Teacher Appreciation Sale starts TOMORROW!

Happy Shopping!
Wow... All of these products look great. I'm headed to your shop to add some to my cart!
That is some really sweet feedback! And good luck house-hunting! I didn't know you had decided to take the plunge! I'm available for any Pier 1 or Homegoods trips you need to take when it's all said and done.